WARMACHINE Mercenaries Exulon Thexus…

The moment I saw this model I fell in love with it. It’s so different from the usual aesthetics that I knew I wanted to paint it the moment I saw him. I wanted to also make him more game friendly so I decided to bend and and place his extra “Doc Ock” arms in such a way so I could still place models next to him. He was great to paint up and enjoyed figuring out how to break up the metallics to keep it interesting between the silver and brass.

mercenaries_cephalyx_exulon_thexusNo I don’t have REACH!

  1. Touch Tone Automotive Flat Grey Primer
  2. Base coat colors using Vallejo Game Colors & Vallejo Model Air Metallics
  3. Army Painter Dark Tone Ink all over
  4. Painted eyes & rivets
  5. Bases are comprised of Basecrafts Forest Scatter & Basecrafts Mixed Leaves
  6. I then varnished with Rust-Oleum Clear Gloss and then Testor’s Dullcote

Khador Orsus Zoktavir, The Butcher Unleashed…

Aaaaah The Butcher Unleashed. What can I say, awesome models, awesome rules, I love everything about this Warcaster Unit. I’ve pretty much been playing them non-stop since I have gotten them. He’s a ton of fun to play and he can get some pretty crazy charge vectors due to Energizer and Vengeance. He’s helped a lot against Legion of Everblight and Menoth match ups due to his threat range and the spell Silence of Death. This spell stacked with precision strike models/units such as Black Dragon Iron Fang Pikemen or the Great Bears makes a deadly combination against Warbeasts (Column 5 all day everyday). Warbeast and Tough models TREMBLE!!!

khador_butcher3Psst hey! Come over here. I wanna tell you a secret…with my Axe.

Who needs the spell FURY when you got 12 Focus?!

  1. Army Painter Desert Yellow Primer
  2. Base coat colors using Vallejo Game Colors & Vallejo Model Air Metallics
  3. Army Painter Dark Tone Ink all over the miniature
  4. Minimal highlights (studs, rivets, flesh, teeth, scars, etc.)
  5. Bases are comprised of Woodland Scenics grass, deadfall trees & a Autumn Mix Leaf Scatter
  6. I varnish with Rust-oleum Painter’s Touch Gloss Coat (Non-Yellowing & UV Resistant) & then use Testor’s Dullcote to take away the gloss
  7. I use Vallejo Gloss Varnish on the Argus tongues & teeth
  8. Finally I use Tamiya X27 Clear Red for the blood splatter

Khador Vladmir Tzepesci, The Dark Champion…

Shoulder pads back in action! I can’t believe how long it took me to finally get Vlad2. I had friends and players alike harassing me to try him out. I decided to cut off his cape to make him look more menacing. Now he’s like some bad ass crazy looking knight. I’ve only played him several times but he’s been super fun for me so far!

I picture him striding onto the battlefield with this tune…in slow motion of course.


“My sword cuts capes good!”

  1. Army Painter Desert Yellow Primer
  2. Base coat colors using Vallejo Game Colors & Vallejo Model Air Metallics
  3. Used Army Painter Dark Tone Ink all over the miniature using a big flat brush
  4. Minimal highlights (studs, rivets, flesh, etc.)
  5. Bases are comprised of Woodland Scenics grass, Rocks, Deadfall Trees, & a Autumn Mix Leaf Scatter
  6. I varnish with Rust-oleum Painter’s Touch Gloss Coat (Non-Yellowing & UV Resistant) & then use Testor’s Dullcote to take away the gloss

Khador Supreme Kommandant Irusk…

I painted him before I got to even to play test him. I really didn’t like his metal banner so I cut it off and replaced it with a brass rod. I was inspired to create my own 3rd Division banner thanks to Rob Hawkins’ Banner Tutorial. If you know your way around a photo editing program then you won’t have to draw anything yourself. I just used scanned images and cleaned them up a bit a long with the Khador Iron Kingdoms fonts. I am really happy with the results for it being my first time trying this. Although you can’t see it in the photo, there is texture all over the banner itself.

I recently played him a couple weekends ago at a Steamroller tournament and he performed amazing for me. A friend lent me his IFP and IFP Kovnik to try them out. I now want to invest in some Black Dragon Iron Fang Pikemen in the near future. DAMN YOU IRON FANG KOVNIK!!!

Totally his theme song 🙂


  1. Army Painter Desert Yellow Primer
  2. Base coat colors using Vallejo Game Colors & Vallejo Model Air Metallics
  3. Used Army Painter Dark Tone Ink all over the miniature using a big flat brush
  4. Minimal highlights (studs, rivets, flesh, etc.)
  5. Bases are comprised of Woodland Scenics grass & a Autumn Mix Leaf Scatter
  6. I varnish with Rust-oleum Painter’s Touch Gloss Coat (Non-Yellowing & UV Resistant) & then use Testor’s Dullcote to take away the gloss
  7. Finally I then attached the banner

Khador Vladimir Tzepesci, Great Prince of Umbrey…

Vladimir Tzepesci, Great Prince of Umbrey a.k.a. Vlad3 is finally done. I have fielded him a few times and he’s been pretty fun, but I definitely need more cavalry models overall. He has a pretty solid spell list and can be pretty cool even if you have minimal cavalry when you use a lot of REACH models who can take advantage of DASH. He was pretty time consuming to paint since he has a decent amount of trim everywhere. I did end up chopping off some of the rear part of the handle by the hand since it was so thin and was on the verge of breaking off and pinned it. I don’t know whether I will be fielding him with a mass cavalry force down the road but I definitely want to play him some more using more Doom Reavers units 🙂

khador_vlad3Strong thighs mean more hands to fight with!

  1. Army Painter Desert Yellow Primer
  2. Base coat colors using Vallejo Game Colors & Vallejo Model Air Metallics
  3. Used Army Painter Dark Tone Ink all over the miniature using a big flat brush
  4. Minimal highlights (studs, rivets, flesh, etc.)
  5. Bases are comprised of Woodland Scenics grass & a Autumn Mix Leaf Scatter
  6. I varnish with Rust-oleum Painter’s Touch Gloss Coat (Non-Yellowing & UV Resistant) & then use Testor’s Dullcote to take away the gloss

Khador Koldun Kommander Aleksandra Zerkova…

I actually haven’t got to use her yet but wanted to finish her up in time for the new Greylord Outriders. Shes seems like she could be pretty viable for scenario play while running a Conquest. I’ll soon be putting her on the table to test out some theories in my LGS’ League. Too bad she is labeled as one of the worst casters in Warmachine lol!

khador_zerkovaBooger sticks rule.

  1. Army Painter Desert Yellow Primer
  2. Base coat colors using Vallejo Game Colors & Vallejo Model Air Metallics
  3. Used Citadel Badab Black wash all over the miniature using a flat brush
  4. Minimal highlights (studs, rivets, flesh, etc.)
  5. Bases are comprised of Woodland Scenics grass & a Autumn Mix Leaf Scatter
  6. I varnish with Rust-oleum Painter’s Touch Gloss Coat (Non-Yellowing & UV Resistant) & then use Testor’s Dullcote to take away the gloss
  7. Finally I use Vallejo Gloss Varnish on the Orgoth green items

NEWS – It’s time…

So after getting into Warmachine at the beginning of 2011, I finally got both battle boxes ready. It’s time to apply to become a Press Ganger! I was first demoed the game by 2 different Press Gangers from 2 different stores. I got to try out Warmachine and then Hordes. Both were super awesome people and I would love to share that same experience with other newcomers. My LGS has a strong community overall and we have about 20 or so Warmahordes players but no official PG! I’ve been so busy focusing on my forces that my Cygnar battle box has been sitting there for almost half a year. One of the local players offered to assemble my Cygnar battle box and another agreed to paint them. He has never painted Warmachine models so the Cygnar battle box was his first. I just based and arced them. That was super awesome of both of them to do that for me. I really appreciate their time in helping me so that I can finally apply.

So yea….it’s time.

khador_battle_boxThese were some of my first mini’s after a 10+ year hiatus from wargaming & painting

cygnar_battle_boxMy buddy did a pretty awesome job using weathering powder like crazy!

This happens to be my 100th post! Coincidence?! I THINK NOT….DESTINY!!!

Khador Kommander Orsus Zoktavir…

Muse on Minis has started a PLAY IT PAINTED 2013 monthly pledge and this was one of my models for the month of January.

I always thought his rules looked like he could be a ton of fun to play. With special rule names like Arcane Dementia, Conferred Rage, & Homicidal Maniac who wouldn’t have fun!? Well it certainly is when your not going against a gun line force, I got DESTROYED by a Retribution of Scyrah Ossyan force. I’ve only used him about three times but his FEAT “Feel The Hate” can cause some serious shenanigans when timed right against the right army (i.e. a lot of units). I would definitely recommend trying him out in casual/league play for the fun factor. I would probably never use him in a tournament unless I was running his Tier list with 4,642 Doom Reavers. That’s the correct amount…right?

I decided to not use his original base and keep him in line with my force’s theme. Now he’s just Captiain Morgan’ing it 🙂

khador_butcher2_basecoatsThe base coats…

khador_butcher2Base is Khador bodies free!

  1. Army Painter Desert Yellow Primer
  2. Base coat colors using Vallejo Game Colors
  3. Used Citadel Badab Black wash all over the miniature
  4. Minimal highlights (studs, rivets, flesh, etc.)
  5. The splatter gore effect was accomplished using 1 part Vallejo Rojo Visceral Gory Red and 3-4 parts Black or Brown Wash. I then loaded up a size 3 flat brush and flicked it onto the axe
  6. Bases are comprised of Woodland Scenics grass, rocks & a Autumn Mix Leaf Scatter
  7. I varnish with Rust-oleum Painter’s Touch Gloss Coat (Non-Yellowing & UV Resistant) & then use Testor’s Dullcote to take away the gloss
  8. Finally I use Vallejo Gloss Varnish on the blood splatters to make it look “fresh”

Khador Kommander Harkevich, The Iron Wolf…

I really love Harkevich. He’s fun to play and and I love anything that can increase our movement or speed of our Warjacks. He is also the only caster that gives Khador a armor buff of any kind. This works great for scenarios or preparing to get charged by a opponent. Conquest becomes arm 23, Behemoth arm 24, and the Devastator chasis arm 28 closed. Chew on that. Also being able to shoot again with all your shooty jacks is nice.

I recently played in a tournament against the Butcher2 Doom Reaver spam list and actually cleared out all his units thanks to Broadsides. My Battle Engine helped a lot creating those pockets of rough terrain to slow him down also. The game ultimately came down to Butcher2 and his Destroyer versus my Harkevich. He survived 2 rounds of melee against Butcher2 thanks to the War Dog and was able to club him to death the following turn. It was a most epic battle! Anyways I encourage other Khador players to try him out and run a shooty jack heavy list. I personally love Conquest, Black Ivan, and a Demolisher.

On another note…stop using the Destroyer and spend the 1 extra point for Black Ivan!!!

ham_legPork is his weapon of choice

khador_harkevich1Ready for the ham Beat Back!

  1. Army Painter Desert Yellow Primer
  2. Base coat colors using Vallejo Game Colors
  3. Citadel Badab Black wash all over the miniature
  4. Minimal highlights (rivets, studs, & flesh)
  5. Bases consist of Woodland Scenics grass flock & a Autumn Mix Leaf Scatter
  6. Finally I varnish with Rust-oleum Painter’s Touch Gloss Coat (Non-Yellowing & UV Resistant) & then use Testor’s Dullcote